What you get when you join the course
If you were thinking Fresh Bananas only teaches you SEO, you’re wrong… it’s an extremely comprehensive online marketing course. Buy now and get access to all this information in detail… all course Modules updated as required.
On page SEO (Launched October 4th 2014)
Conversion Rate Optimisation (Introduced April 2015)
eCommerce SEO (Introduced July 2016)
Local SEO (Introduced January 2017)
YouTube Video Optimisation (Introduced May 2017)
Social Media Marketing (Introduced September 2017)
UX – Design eCommerce websites from a User Experience perspective (Introduced February 2019)
“A really good course covering all you need to know about SEO. I landed competitive keywords on first and second page of Google without any links! Fresh bananas rock! All you need is on-site SEO! “ Lajos – Seedparade.co.uk
Here’s the course modules in more detail…
The Google Lowdown
- A short overview of the UK’s most popular online search engine
- Important changes at Google that you need to know about
- The basic anatomy of a ‘search engine results page’ (SERP)
Domain Names & Hosting
- Considerations when choosing your domain name
- What domain extension is right for you
- Buying other domain name to protect your brand
- Advantage in buying your domain name for longer than the default period
- Where to buy your domain name(s)
- Hosting, where to host and why
All About Your Keywords
- What is keyword research and why do I need it?
- Understanding different types of keywords and the user intent
- Buying or Browsing (identifying user intent)
- The importance of keyword relevancy
- Seed keywords and stemming down from them
- Checking out your keyword competitors using Google
- Grouping your final keywords into specific web pages
- Stop words – What are they?
- Running tests on your keywords prior to working on them – Adwords
- Keywords Sin Bin
“This course is excellent! If you are looking to ‘SEO’ your own website, then this is the course for you. Covers everything you need to know about on-page SEO and more besides.” Melanie – Bow-wow-pets.co.uk
Website Architecture
- Menu/Navigation
- Hierarchy and allocation of your keywords
- Hub and Spoking your URLs
- Architecture Sin Bin
On-page Optimisation
- Overview and Understanding Word Relationships
- Page Theming
- Keyword Spread, Synonymic Diversity and Non-Keywords
- Topping and Tailing your Copy
- Page Titles
- Meta Descriptions
- Meta Keywords
- Header Tags
- Getting your Web Page Copy Right
- Leading and Trailing Copy
- Contextual Linking on your Web Pages
- Working with Images in Copy
- On-page SEO Sin Bin
“Finally an SEO who knows what he is doing. My site was in really big trouble, most of it caused by cowboy SEO’s i’d used in the past. Fresh Bananas fixed it and now we’re hitting page 1 in a very competitive industry.” Adam – Stuartneils.com
More Technical Matters
- Duplicate content – Multiple URLs with the same Content
- Robots.txt Files
- 301 Redirects and htaccess files
- Page Loading Speeds
Dedicated eCommerce Optimisation
- Overview & Intro
- Products & Keywords
- eCommerce Site Structure
- Page Content
- Page Loading Times & Abandonment
- Useful Tools
- Mobile Friendly
“As someone with a background in SEO, I wasn’t convinced that Fresh Bananas was the right fit for me. Now, a few short months later, the hard work put into this course is paying of for my website, and for my customers. I highly recommend this to anyone looking for SEO advice that actually works.” Andrew – 603copywriting.co.uk
Off-Page Optimisation
- General Summary
- The What and Why of Backlinks
- Sources of Backlinks
- Guiding Principles of Backlinks
- Reporting Spam & Disavowing Links
- Social Media
- External SEO Sin Bin
Local SEO
- Overview and Summary
- Initial set-up and Strategy
- Configuring your Website
- Citations
- Reviews
- Local Link Building
“Fresh Bananas diy SEO course is laid out in step by step, easy to understand bite sized lessons. The syllabus is best followed as laid out, but what was great was to be able to go back through the modules after I had finished and use it as a reference. The creators have given lots of examples along the way and the videos compliment the text perfectly.” Mo – Emmc-craftshapes.co.uk
Conversion Rate Optimisation
- Tips on how to convert your visitors into customers
- Calls to action, get your site visitors doing what you want
- Website usability tips
- Split Testing
Decided you Need an SEO?
- Plain, simple tips on how to find a suitable SEO company
- The key questions you need to ask your intended SEO prior to hiring them
- How to work with an SEO company and get the best from them
“An excellent on-line SEO course that I would highly recommend. Each module is well explained and easy to understand. Worth every penny!”
Anne – Noiseairconsultants.co.uk
Social Media Marketing
- An introduction to Social Media
- Understanding the Social Media Platform
- Creating the right content
- How to manage your following
- How to convert your followers
- Managing your activity
- Advertising
- Measuring and improving
- Strategy and planning
YouTube Video Optimisation
- Setting up and getting started
- How to gain viewers using in-video techniques
- On-page and external techniques
- Selling on the back of your YouTube videos
- Production tips
- Keeping everything legal
- Analysis and maintenance of your YouTube channel
“I found the course to be a very in-depth explanation of SEO – exactly what I was looking for. Points I have always wondered about were cleared up after reading the first few modules of the course and I found myself learning things I’d never heard about as I read through the bulk of the material.” Dan – Bandfactory.co.uk
How to Improve the User Experience of Your Online Shop
- Landing page UX (User Experience) how to get your message across quickly and make visitors hang around longer
- Listings, how to offer your visitors different options to help them to find something they want to buy
- Products, what you need to have on a product page to increase a visitors likelyhood of buying
- Checking out, how to make it more convenient for your visitors to spend their money with you